Orospu konuşuyor yine “42 tane terörist, 13 …” hani bitmişti ulan, hani bitmişti, 300, beş yüz falan kalmıştı, HANI bitmişti amcık ağızlılar?

Bir kolej 1844’den kalma. Tek kolejmiş „Heritage Status“ ile, ilginç doğrusu, gerçekten ilginç nerelerden okunduğum.

“St. Joseph’s College celebrated its centenary in 1945 and sesquicentenary in 1995. It acquired Five Star status awarded by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in 2014, was recognised by UGC as a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE) in 2004, and was accredited with A Grade [4th Cycle] by NAAC in A++ Grade 2019. The college is owned by the Society of St.Joseph’s, a body registered under Societies Regulation Act(1860), having its office at Tiruchirappalli. And it has the heritage college status as one among 12 colleges in India in 2016, which is given by the Government of India. Around 30 Jesuits serve on the staff. It acquired A++ Rank Awarded by the Recent National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) in 2019, was recognised by UGC[2] We Celebrate Dodransbicentennial Marathon Races conducted in Tiruchirappalli district in (22-09-2019). at overall Participated List in 5000 + The categories, 10Km and 5 Km Marathon Boys, Girls, SJC Staffs, Vetaran, Alumni is included The Himalya Achievement of St. Joseph’s college (Autonomous) Marathon is Inaugurated By our Trichy District Collector Mr. SIVARASU IAS at 6.00 AM. The Torch is special moments of that day. Our College is started in 1844 in Nagapattinam Is Past moments torch is coming Nagai to SJC its colorful moment there is MARATHON function”

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